These are photographs that i have taken of closeups of everyday items around my home, i experimented in the style of Edward Weston, i changed the colour of my photographs to black and white like the styles of Edward Weston and Robert Frank.
I started by photographing my light switch, i tried to change the angles at which i took the picture, in this photograph i decided to include the whole light switch in the picture with the camera facing the light switch straight on. i like this photograph because you can really see the detail on the wall and it contrasts with how the light switch looks smooth. The white in this picture also looks really prominent compared to the dark wall.In the photograph i tried to use cropping in at an different angle, i decided to only use about one quarter of the actual light switch in my photograph to make it look more interesting.
I took this photograph of a sink plug i like the contrast in the photograph of the sink plug and the detail you can see on the compared to the sink in the background in which the texture looks really smooth. Also i like the colour contrast in the picture, that the plug is almost jet black and how the sink in the background is so bright. i like how in this photograph there is the rule of three and how the sink plug is on the left side of the photograph.
This photograph i took of my light switch again, like my first picture i wanted to include all of the object in my photograph, but unlike the first picture i didn't take this one head on, i decided to take the photograph at an angle at the side of the light switch. I like the way that the colour on the left side of the photograph s so dark and then as it gets to the right it gradually gets lighter.
This photograph is of a door handle i have taken and i have taken it at an angle when i have cut off almost half of the handle and most of the image is of the door ,but the attention goes towards the door handle. i took this photograph straight towards the handle.
This is another photograph of a door handle i took this photograph at an angle where i have cut off the bottom of it and also at an angle where the biggest part and the attention of the photograph is the actual handle itself.